Drinking three cups of coffee each day could save your life

Drinking three cups of coffee each day could save your life, new research suggests.

Scientists discovered such an amount can slash the risk of liver disease, liver cancer and cirrhosis by up to 70 per cent.

Coffee’s life-saving benefits stem from the drink’s abundance of caffeine, kahweol, cafestol and antioxidants, experts believe.

This mixture of compounds and substances protects the liver and stops the scarring of tissue and inflammation – linked to all three ailments.

Charities state coffee is an ‘easy lifestyle’ change, and implied it could be a medicine – whether it is filtered, instant or espresso.

The review, funded by six large coffee manufacturers, was based on six previous studies looking into the benefits of coffee on the liver.

It referred to an Italian study last year that discovered drinking three cups of coffee each day slashes the risk by 65 per cent.

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