How to watch your weight while drinking

The month of February is almost done and dusted. By now we’ve all broken our resolution of eating right, drinking less and keeping slim. For the first few weeks of the new year we manage to accomplish these goals, but eventually we realize that it is a lot more difficult to give up the fried foods and the booze than we thought.

The funny thing about weight maintenance is that everyone has a different opinion on how to do it. Some say cut back on the carbs and ramp up the cardio, while others say calorie counting and zero alcohol is the only way. What most people will agree on is the belief that drinking isn’t going to help you stay fit, and while that isn’t entirely untrue, it isn’t entirely true either. Worry no more, my friends, we can still drink without feeling the guilt!

Below are a few tips and tricks to cut the guilt when it comes to drinking. Being healthy and fit doesn’t mean you have to cut things out of your life that you love, rather, we should be mindful of what we do indulge in so we don’t get carried away. Some of these suggestions may be no-brainers, but there are a few surprises as well. Cheers, and here’s to our health!

Low Calorie Boozing

Look out for liquor products that’s low in calories such as a ”light” wine for instance.

Clear-up Your Mixers

This may seem simple enough, but the fact of the matter is that most people don’t consider how many calories are in mixers. Dark sodas tend to have more calories and sugar than lighter ones, so opting for a soda water rather than a coca-cola is probably the right way to go. Best option is to skip the mixers all together and drink it neat.

Light Beer, Right Beer

there are several light beers that taste the same if not better than their non-light counterpart, and have half the calories. If you are serious about watching your weight but still want to indulge in alcohol, going with a light beer option is your best bet.

Avoid the Sweet

If your go-to cocktails ever require a syrup for the mixing, your best bet is to make the syrup at home, rather than buy it in a store. That way, you are able to control the amount of sugar that goes in, and even the kind of sugar that you use. Cutting down on the sugar will in turn cut down on the calories, making for a happier and healthier drink.
