Chenin Blanc, the Punk Rock cultivar

CBGB is a club in Manhattan founded in 1973 that became the cradle for American punk. Legends such as the Ramones, Patti Smith, Blondie and Talking Heads all rocked its rafters and although the club closed in 2006, it is remembered today in the largest music festival in the Big Apple.

If wine may be conflated with music, then punk must surely be a white wine and what is more nude and rude than Chenin Blanc? Heck Chenin could be renamed Chav Blanc as it forms the backbone of big value SA white blends. While Chardonnay is a classic cuvée and Sauvignon Blanc is acid rock, Chenin is Blondie in a bottle. Give it a second ferment and it becomes Iggy Pop.

Blondie Live At CBGB´s front

Change a “G” into a “C” and CBGB becomes our exhibition for April: Charles Banks Chenin Blanc for Mr. Banks started out with the Screaming Eagles and their memorable Hotel California and has now graduated to Chenin. He has chosen six for the exhibition:

Three Single Vineyard Chenin Blancs, all 2013

Fable Jackal Bird 2012

Mulderbosch Chenin Blanc 2012

and Marvelous Yellow 2012


Marvelous winemaker Adam Mason will open the exhibition at 6.30pm on Thursday 3rd April in the Gallery at the Taj Hotel in Cape Town.