Corona is the first major beer company to adopt edible 6-pack rings that feed, rather than kill, fish.


The son of a London sweetshop owner, Charles Gordon Maynard wanted to create a sweet that could be savoured like a fine wine.


Beer brand Corona has launched its new 440ml cans in South Africa. The brand has launched Corona Extra in the new 440ml cans, which are larger in size, providing a more refreshing and satisfying experience for beer lovers.


When it comes to fine spirits, Canadian whisky holds a special place in the hearts of connoisseurs worldwide. Known for its smoothness, complexity, and unique production methods, Canadian whisky has gained recognition as one of the top spirits in the global market.  In this deep dive, we will explore the rich history, production techniques, flavor profiles, and iconic brands that have made Canadian whisky a beloved choice among enthusiasts. 


For thousands of years, tea, also known as “the elixir of life”, has been drunk in many parts of the world. Tea from the misty mountains of China to of the busy streets of London has been a beverage of choice for many. However, just like many other aspects of life, not all teas are equally made or produced out there. In the vast world of tea, there’s a debate that has been brewing (pun intended) for quite some time: What about real brewed tea versus tea bags? Here in this article, we will provide clarity.


The Moscow mule has been around since World War II but has no connection to the seminal war that enveloped much of the world. Instead, it appears its existence is due to the distinctive copper mug in which it traditionally is served. It is an ironic case of a mug looking for a beverage to give its purpose, which eventually gave rise to the original Moscow mule recipe. It would be reasonable to conclude the drink originated in or near Russia’s capital city, but it is not. Let’s take a closer look at how the popular cocktail came about.


Your liver is more than just another organ; it’s a diligent worker that keeps your body detoxified and metabolizes everything you consume. Giving your liver the right tools – in the form of nutrient-dense foods – can ensure its optimum health. Let’s delve into the foods that can bolster your liver’s function and why they’re beneficial.


BOS, the much-loved South African rooibos brand best known for its colourful cans of Ice Tea, has partnered with South African rugby icon Siya Kolisi, his wife Rachel Kolisi and the Kolisi Foundation, launching Siya Kolisi’s Limited Edition BOS can to celebrate all things wonderful about our country. For each Limited Edition can sold, BOS is donating 5% of the turnover to the Kolisi Foundation.


So, you know that awesome drink called coffee? It’s made from roasted coffee beans and has this cool compound called caffeine in it. Now, caffeine is no ordinary stuff – it can do some pretty interesting things to your body, like affecting your mood and stress levels. But here’s the thing, not everyone responds to caffeine in the same way. We’re all unique, right? Some folks might be more sensitive to its effects than others. So, while coffee can give you that extra pep in your step, it’s good to keep in mind that how it affects your mood and stress might be different from your friend’s experience.


Casino and Coffee Blend

More than a gambler’s paradise, casinos are crossroads of culture. Here, people of varied backgrounds converge.