The Truth about Calories in Vodka

Alcoholic drinks are known to have a lot of calories in them, that is the reason why those who are serious about their weight and fitness are cautious about their alcohol consumption.

Given the fact that there are a lot of alcoholic drinks, they all differ when it comes to the calories they have.

The good news is that you can still be in shape, and still enjoy an alcoholic drink or two, because there is alcohol that is low in calories, like VODKA.

Calories in alcoholic drinks like vodka

You can’t expect the calories in vodka to be the same as that of whiskey, they will be different.

Whiskey happens to be one of the alcoholic drinks with a low alcohol content, just like vodka. They contain about 100 calories in a shot.

The problem is most people especially women cannot stomach drinking vodka or whiskey without dashing. Unfortunately, whatever juice or drink you dash with, you are adding to the total calories that you are drinking.

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