The Worst Cocktails Ever

There’s a disproportionate amount of focus on the good cocktails nowadays. Every food and drink blog in the land is talking about the head bartender being the new executive chef, and about this era being a cementing one for the staggering, stammering cocktail.

But given how many people are still happily dipping their straws into neon drinks named after sex positions, it seems a little premature to discuss the “Cocktail Renaissance.” We’re going to take some time to remind you how it still is out there. You see, while the hip and the beautiful are sipping artichoke Negronis in the darkened corners of faux-’20s bars while strumming their genitals to ragtime and huffing bags of their own farts, some people are still pounding Mai Tais and vomiting in their wicker shoes like it’s 1983. Given this disparity, here are 10 horrible cocktails that still exist.

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