This Comet has enough alcohol to fill 500 wine bottles every second

Comet Lovejoy – which also goes by the less catchy name ‘C/2014 Q2’ – left experts scratching their heads.

Scientists have discovered a comet that is giving away so much alcohol it could fill 500 bottles of wine EVERY SECOND.

The comet, which is formally known as C/2014 Q2 but also goes by the name Comet Lovejoy, is one of the most active comets discovered since the Hale-Bopp in 1997.

It has been continuously studied since January 30 this year, when it came closest to the sun.

Bizarrely, experts found that the comet contains alcohol – and is giving away gallons of it every minute during peak activity.

The comet has also been found to contain glycolaldehyde, a simple sugar.

Nicolas Biver of the Paris Observatory in France helped pen a research paper on the comet, published in the Science Advances journal.

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