“Hello, operator? We’d like to report a lack of margaritas.”


Any good wine snob knows that, despite the term’s intended negative connotation, the label should really be worn like a badge of honor. Sure, some beer lovers or, even worse, casual wine drinkers might find that snobbery worthy of derision, but they clearly don’t understand the difficulty, dexterity and dedication necessary to reach that level.


You’d think it would be hard to live up to being designated a “magical” town, but Tequila, Mexico more than delivers on the hype.


In anticipation of the seventh season of “Game of Thrones,” Ommegang Brewery and Drink Company (a D.C.-based bar company) will host a series-themed pop-up.


Tucked inside a restored colonial residence in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, is the Dôce 18 Concept House.

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