Craft Beer vs Regular Beer: What’s the Difference (and How Can You Make Your Own?)

Millions of people worldwide enjoy beer. It is widely available and relatively affordable. It is accessible to most consumers. It is a social drink, often consumed in groups. You’ll find different kinds of beer at most parties and gatherings. Craft beer is a popular option. Here are ways that it differs from regular beer.

1. The Production Process

Small, independent breweries typically produce craft beer. They use traditional brewing methods. Craft brewers use techniques that involve more human intervention and less automation.

For example, they may manually crush their grains and stir their mash. They carefully monitor their fermentation process. This hands-on approach often leads to a more artisanal product. It is less standardized than regular beer.

In contrast, regular beer is produced by large-scale breweries. They use more automated and industrialized processes. They may use machines to crush their grains.

They employ computer systems to monitor their fermentation process and use filtration and pasteurization methods to produce a more uniform and consistent product. This industrialized approach allows the production of regular beer quickly and more efficiently than craft beer.

2. Ingredients

Craft beer uses higher quality, more flavorful ingredients than regular beer. Craft brewers may use locally-sourced hops and malted barley. They introduce unique flavors and characteristics. They may also use specialty grains, fruits, and spices to add complexity and depth to their beers.

Craft brewers often use more hops than regular beer, contributing to a more bitter and flavorful taste.

Regular beer uses cheaper ingredients to keep costs low. They may use corn or rice as adjuncts to replace some of the malted barley. Regular beer is less complex and flavorful than craft beer.

3. Flavor

Craft beer has more flavors and styles than regular beer. Craft brewers experiment with different hops, malts, and yeasts. They try to create unique and complex flavors. They may create IPAs with a strong hoppy flavor, stouts with a chocolatey taste, or sour beers with a tart, fruity flavor.

Regular beer has a more standardized and consistent taste. This appeals to a broader audience. Regular beer is more approachable and familiar to most people. But, it is also less interesting and exciting for beer enthusiasts.

4. Quality

The quality of craft beer is higher than regular beer. This is because it uses better ingredients. The production process is better too. Craft breweries pride themselves on the quality of their beer. They may use specialized equipment and techniques to ensure that each batch meets their exacting standards.

For example, they may use temperature-controlled fermentation tanks. They bottle their beer manually and employ expert taste testers. The goal is to ensure that each batch is consistent and flavorful.

Regular beer is produced on a larger scale. It may not receive the same level of attention and care. While regular beer is consistent, it doesn’t have the same level of quality and attention to detail as craft beer.

Making Your Own Beer

Making your own beer is easier than you may imagine. Start by gathering equipment. You will need a large pot and a fermenting vessel with an airlock. You’ll also need a thermometer, hydrometer, a siphon, bottles, and bottle caps.

Find a recipe that fits your taste and skill level. Sanitize your equipment and brew your beer. Heat water in the pot and add the malt extract and hops according to the recipe. Boil the mixture for an hour, then cool it down to the appropriate temperature for adding yeast.

Add yeast to the cooled wort and transfer it to the fermenting vessel. Seal the vessel with an airlock and allow the beer to ferment for about two weeks. Bottle the beer, age it, and enjoy.

Growing Your Small Brewery Faster

If you are a beer enthusiast, consider these tips to grow your small brewery.

Focus on Quality

Make sure your beer is top-notch. If your beer isn’t great, people won’t return for more. You won’t be able to build a loyal customer base. Invest in high-quality ingredients, equipment, and personnel to ensure your beer is consistently excellent. Transform your brewery with Ollie’s management tools. They allow you to manage brewery production, customer orders, and inventory.

Expand your Product Line

Offer a variety of beers. Your customers will enjoy light, refreshing, and dark complex beers. Giving your customers more choices encourages them to visit your brewery more frequently. Consider offering non-alcoholic options like craft soda or kombucha.

Create a Loyalty Program

Reward your loyal customers with discounts, free merchandise, or exclusive events. A loyalty program can help keep your customers coming back. It can encourage them to refer their friends and family.

Overall, craft beer and regular beer differ in several ways. The main differences are in the production process, ingredients, flavor, and quality. While regular beer may be a reliable and inexpensive option for many consumers, craft beer offers a more unique and flavorful experience. It is worth exploring for beer lovers.