Four Modern Takes On Drinking Games

We all know the importance of not overindulging, particularly in alcoholic drinks. But most of us have also had those moments, particularly in our student days, when we have not always stuck to that rule. When it comes to drinking, some of the games we might remember from college or university days were likely to have led to sore heads the morning after.

Of course, we are older and wiser now, right? Perhaps – but in this modern age of responsible drinking, observing weekly units of alcohol and playing games online, where does that leave that great institution that is the drinking game? Let’s take a look at four modern variations.

Bier Fest slots game

Anyone who has enjoyed some misspent time enjoying Britain’s pub culture will know that a pint in the local and a spin on a traditional slot machine go together like a cup of tea and a digestive biscuit. These days, we are more likely to be playing on a fruit machine online through one of the dozens of online casinos that have appeared on the scene in recent years. Does that mean beer and slots are no longer the bedfellows they one were? Not necessarily. Genesis Gaming has come up with an imaginative variation on the theme with this five-reel online game that is based on the world-famous Oktoberfest. Check out a suitable bonus comparison website before you begin, and choose your platform wisely. Play it smart and you can find a site that will offer plenty of free spins, so it won’t cost you a penny. Compared with all those pound coins you used to feed into the pub machine, that is definitely progress!

Never have I ever

This game has actually been around for a while, but it gained a new level of popularity when it played a pivotal role in the 2015 movie Unfriended. The rules are simple enough – players take it in turns to conclude the sentence “never have I ever…..” with something they have never done. Those who have committed whatever act is described take a drink. The great thing about this game is it can start innocuously enough, for example, “never have I ever ridden a horse,” but as the drink flows, it can go in some bizarre, hilarious and even dark directions.

Drinking Jenga

Jenga is, of itself, a great game to play while you have a few drinks with friends. But take a little time to customise your Jenga set into Drinking Jenga and you will never look back. The usual rules apply, but in preparation, you need to start by writing challenges on each Jenga piece. When a piece is pulled, the player must read out the challenge and comply with it immediately. It can be as much fun creating the challenges as playing the game, so why not divide the pieces and get everyone involved in making up some of their own – that way, you don’t know what might come up! One rule is set in stone, though – whoever knocks the tower over must finish their drink.

Rock, paper, drink

It’s a great variation on a classic we all know. The players stand in a circle and two play rock, paper, scissors. The loser takes a drink and plays the next person in a clockwise direction. If someone clocks up a whole lap of losses, they have to finish their drink.

Christmas party time is not far away, and it is a perfect opportunity for us to get a little silly, however old we are. Give some, or all, of these games a try and relive your misspent youth!