How Mixing Energy Drinks With Alcohol Can Lead To Even More Drinking

A new research in Australia revealed that mixing caffeinated energy drinks with alcohol can actually increase the drinker’s tendency to drink more.

Rebecca McKetin is the lead author of the study. She said, “Based on our study, we can’t be certain whether it was the caffeine or the sugary additives that made the energy drink and vodka cocktail more appealing than drinking alcohol alone.”

McKetin said that one possible cause is that people tend to drink alcohol to experience its depressing effects. Many actually do not realise that alcohol also has stimulating effects which can trigger people to drink more. Since energy drinks contain caffeine, which causes the stimulating effects of alcohol. When the drinker is stimulated by the energy drink, his desire to drink more alcohol is also increased. McKetin also said that the caffeine, not the sweetness, is more likely to trigger people to drink more.

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