How to Drink Alcohol and Stay Fit

Ask any serious dietician or nutritionist about the most important things to cut out when getting in shape, and undoubtedly alcohol will be top of the list. Tony Horton, the man behind the best selling workout program P90X stands behind cutting out booze. But can exercise and alcohol peacefully coexist in a healthy lifestyle?

While there’s millions of resources recommending alcohol abstinence as part of a broader fitness program, a recent book by Lüc Carl does exactly the opposite.

In his new book, The Drunk Diet, the NYC nightlife promoter, certified personal trainer, and former longtime flame of Lady Gaga lays out what he claims is the secret to balancing a hard-partying life with a gym-worthy physique.

The Drunk Diet is built around Lüc’s personal story. A nightly habit of whiskey shots and Budweisers coupled with 4 a.m. diner runs had saddled him with 40 unwanted pounds, but rather than dry up in defeat, he devised a weight-loss plan with a liberal liquor allowance. His just-released book chronicles his journey to thin and proves that boozing and losing needn’t always be mutually exclusive. You might not party like Lüc, but you can still learn from him about keeping your belly flat when your tumbler’s full.

So how does he do it? There’s 5 basic tips he offers in the book.

  1. Go easy on the beer. Ounce for ounce it’s got more calories than going with straight alcohol.
  2. Eat before you drink. Doing this will reduce the likelihood of overeating, and can maintain reasonable alcohol levels.
  3. Hydrate. Drinking lots of water will not only keep the calories to a minimum, but is a surefire hangover prevention plan.
  4. It’s all about balance. If you’re going to have a big night, cut out some calories during the day.
  5. Exercise is critical. If you’re partying too much, and neglecting to exercise, you’re not going to stay in the game for long.

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