How To Establish A Wine Collection At Home

Collecting wine is a hobby that many have the ambition to get into but don’t know where to begin? There is so much to know and so much to learn. What if we get it wrong and look foolish? There are a couple of things to consider when tackling this worry. Firstly, everyone must start somewhere, and even the most knowledgeable wine snob once knew nothing. Secondly, those types of people are quite rare. Films such as the ultra-popular Sideways have made it seem like there are a set of strict rules and conventions, the famous Sideways Effect where Merlot is now less popular due to a line in the film. But, in reality, these types are only a small percentage of wine drinkers. 

Learn About Wine

Any hobby that involves collecting knowledge of what you have and what you are looking for is key. Not for the reasons of the semi-fictional wine snobs we were discussing. But that you can make your purchases with the fullest of knowledge to allow you to add to your collection in a way that you enjoy. There are many ways to learn about wine, and what to learn about wine. What types of grapes make different types of wine? How is a wine made, from pressing the grapes to fermentation, to bottling? You can go on a course to learn about it or visit vineyards. Even knowing what types of wine you like is a process, and the most fun of them all, you can do this by tasting different varieties.

Get The Storage Sorted

If storing wine as a collection rather than a few bottles, it is important to know a few basics on how to do this. Temperature is one of the most important aspects of this, especially for long term storage, the ideal temperature range is between 45° F and 65° F. Humidity is also important. If your cellar is too dry, then it can cause the corks to dry out and this damage can allow air into the bottles spoiling the wine. A humidity level of 70% is considered ideal and you should aim for as close to this as possible. For long-term storage, you should keep the bottles on their side. This allows the wine to keep contact with the cork wet, again preventing the same damage we spoke about with low humidity.

Where To Buy

Once you have learned the basics about wine, how it’s made, and the correct techniques to store it, you need to start buying some wine. The big question is where to buy it? It can often be an overwhelming variety of choices that intimidates the average wine buyer. Wine is available in every supermarket, grocers, or corner store these days. This is great for the price, but not for the advice and getting your hands on quality wines. You can get various wine delivery services that will create an account, and based on your ratings, suggest bottles you will enjoy.