How to Make Weed Vodka, aka Green Dragon

The Green Dragon ranks as one of the more elusive DIY methods of getting high. The cannabis tincture is a simple enough concept but the methods of creating this weed vodka vary depending on who you ask.

From throwing stems into a half-full bottle of Smirnoff and letting it soak for a few weeks to speeding up the process by heating it in an oven, the recipe for Green Dragon depends on who’s making it. Looking to find the most straightforward, stoner-friendly recipe, we went with the soak-and-wait route.

For the extract, use alcohol that’s at least 60 proof — Bacardi, Smirnoff, etc. We went for Everclear at 151 proof . When your tincture is ready, it should be pretty potent. You can either use an eyedropper and place one or two drops under your tongue or in a drink. The high should kick in after 1 hour and last for 7 hours.

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