Living roofs take root in wine country

t’s a nice day in the Napa Valley and the sun that turns the region’s plump grapes into prized cabernet sauvignon is shining down on the Odette Estate winery.

But inside the winery’s production facility, temperatures are pleasant—with nary a whisper of air conditioning.

The reason is Odette Estate’s innovative roof, which combines 8,500 square feet of planted, living roof with 2,500 square feet of solar panels.

“It’s really cool working underneath something you know is helping the environment and not impacting it in a negative way,” says Christian Oggenfuss, director of marketing for Odette Estate. “I’m pretty proud, actually, that this spot right now is greener than it was when we started.”

Odette Estate, which opened recently, is part of a small but blossoming trend of green-roofed wineries.

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