Kimco Realty (kim) To Pay $0.28 On Apr 15, 2019; Ruths Hospitality Group (ruth) Shorts Decreased By 10.33%

Ruths Hospitality Group Inc (NASDAQ:RUTH) had a decrease of 10.33% in short interest. RUTH’s SI was 1.43M shares in March as released by FINRA. Its down 10.33% from 1.59M shares previously. With 186,100 avg volume, 8 days are for Ruths Hospitality Group Inc (NASDAQ:RUTH)’s short sellers to cover RUTH’s short positions. The SI to Ruths Hospitality Group Inc’s float is 5.21%. The stock decreased 1.03% or $0.26 during the last trading session, reaching $25.08. About 113,319 shares traded. Ruth”s Hospitality Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:RUTH) has risen 4.40% since March 23, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.03% the S&P500. Some Historical RUTH News: 04/05/2018 – RUTH’S HOSPITALITY GROUP INC RUTH.O FY2018 SHR VIEW $1.35, REV VIEW $452.5 MLN — THOMSON REUTERS l/B/E/S; 21/04/2018 – DJ Ruth’s Hospitality Group Inc, Inst Holders, 1Q 2018 (RUTH); 24/05/2018 – Ruth’s Chris Steak House To Host Wine-Pairing Dinner With Caymus Vineyards; 04/05/2018 – Ruth’s Hospitality Reaffirms Full

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