Tweet Up @DombeyaWine

by Werner Els

In the middle of 2009 we started getting interested in social media, and in particular,Twitter.

Since then, Twitter has exploded in popularity and use. It has been great for us as well, offering the opportunity to meet people who are interested in what we do, and to communicate in real time wherever we are in the world.

In just over a year and a half, we have attracted 4830 followers (as of today) and growing. That makes @dombeyawine the most followed wine producer in South Africa.

In the process, we’ve met some awesome people; people who are passionate about wine, food, life and good times. That’s basically what we’re about as well, along with that small distraction of needing to sell wine to somehow pay for the indulgences.

We invited a bunch of people along for an afternoon of food and wine last Friday, our first Dombeya Tweet Up. Of course, we opened plenty of good wine, including some mysteries from NZ and finished off with all the latest release Haskell’s, which went down very nicely indeed.

And plenty of the good people who came have already blogged about it, so if you want to read some impressions, check out Linda Harding, Hennie and Maggie at Batonage and Cathy Marston

Many thanks to everyone who came, and if you want to follow some of the chatter on Twitter from the night, use the hashtag #dombeyatweetup.

The first of its type for us, but it won’t be the last.

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