Stella Artois Raises Funds For Bars To Remind Consumers ‘There’s Always An After’

Anheuser-Busch beer brand Stella Artois is running a social media campaign to raise funds for small businesses affected by Covid-19, the company shared with Marketing Dive.

The effort centers around a new video spot that plays up the beermaker’s 600 year history and notes that “there is always an after” to a crisis. The video calls on people to purchase vouchers to use at small businesses to help local bars and restaurants survive the pandemic’s financial impacts. Stella promises to double the credit of the voucher by matching the value of the purchase for when consumers can use these credits after the public health emergency subsides.

Over the past three weeks, Stella has run these fundraising efforts in more than 10 countries, raising over $2.5 million. Independent advertising agency Gut collaborated on the effort.

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