Sugary drinks are linked to high blood pressure

I expect consequences from drinking lots of sugary sodas. Like: unneeded calories, possible spikes in blood sugar, slow but steady erosion of tooth enamel (if those oft-repeated science fair projects with the teeth in the plastic cup of Coke are to be believed) and caffeine jitters.

But a rise in blood pressure? A study just published in the journal Hypertension argues that you might be in for that if you have a sugary-beverage habit.

The finding comes from the so-called INTERMAP study, which stands for International study of Macro/Micronutrients and Blood Pressure, which kind of works as a name if you ignore words like “study” and “blood.”  This particular INTERMAP report analyzed data from 2, 696 middle-aged adults in the U.S. and U.K. On several occasions, their blood pressure was taken. Urine samples were taken for two 24-hour periods. Information about their diet in the previous 24 hours was collected.

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