The Most Extreme Energy Drink

Remember when energy drinks first were hitting the scene and stories came out about teens rushed to the emergency room for caffeine overdose? They weren’t downing Monsters and Red Bulls, it was Spike Shooters that sent them there.  Spike Shooters are, with little argument, the most potent straight-on energy drink in the world.  And they have been the king for the last four years.  These will screw your head on sideways and make your eyeballs feel a bit like they were in the clockwork orange eye-pulling device.

Treat this stuff with care – it is not for the feint of heart.  It says so on the can.  Or if you are under 18.  Or pregnant.  Or old.  Or on drugs. Or sick, have a weak heart or Asthma.  Basically, If you are not in optimum human condition and know what you are doing, stay the frack away.  As you can see, I even have a hard time 4 hours later not ending every sentence with exclamation points!

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