Two ingredient cocktails are back in fashion thanks to minimalism

Take a page out of Ernest Hemingway’s book and streamline your cocktails. Two ingredients are all you need for an interesting tipple.

For all the attention given to his namesake daiquiri, Ernest Hemingway was more of a two-ingredient drink man.

Check his novels and short stories — his heroes and dames are always reaching for a highball or some two-ingredient tipple during times of distress and during, well, anytime really.

• “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber” (a Gimlet — gin and Rose’s lime juice)

• “To Have and Have Not” (rum and coke)

• “The Sun Also Rises” (brandy and soda)

• “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” (whiskey and soda)

• “The Denunciation” (gin and tonic)

• “In the Last Good Country” (whiskey and ginger ale)

If he were alive today, I like to think Hemingway would shun the modern, six-ingredient concoctions for simpler libations. My point, people, is we need to return to a more minimalist time when it comes to cocktails.

It has gotten out of hand, all these overworked drinks with homemade artisanal bitters. I thought having the highest booze tax in the country would rein local bartenders in. It has not.

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