Ultralicious Red-Wine Milkshakes

How will the rich, hearty taste of red wine impact the smooth, sweet taste of ice cream?

Why not combine two indulgences into one ultra-indulgence and find out?


2 cup red wine, such as merlot, cabernet sauvignon or pinot noir
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup orange juice
a few whole cloves
a few allspice berries (optional)
1 x cinnamon stick
vanilla ice cream

Combine the red wine, sugar, orange juice, cloves, allspice and cinnamon in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook over medium-high heat for 30-45 minutes, or until reduced to about 3/4 cup. Pour the mixture through a sieve to strain out the spices and cool completely, then refrigerate until cold.

Blend ice cream, milk and syrup to taste in a blender until it’s the consistency you like. We recommended 1/2 cup ice cream, 1/4 cup milk and 1/4 cup wine syrup.

Makes 3/4 cup of wine syrup, enough for about 4 milkshakes.

Visit your nearest Ultra Liquors store for a great selection of red wines.