Wine brands don’t typically spring to mind when thinking of global superbrands.


Here are three more wines that I enjoyed the opportunity taste at the Wines of South Africa stand at the London International Wine Fair.


The Access Zone at this year’s London International Wine Fair built on it’s introduction in 2010 and the presentations and networking opportunities seemed popular throughout the event.


What do you do when a bottle of wine that you have purchased is corked or has some fault?


I was recently fortunate enough to receive two bottles of sweet wine from some South African friends who were visiting London.


Have you noticed the green and white seal on the neck of many South African wines lately?


Last week I posted a few thoughts about the role of wine competitions. Subsequently, I saw that Neil Pendock made mention of the costs of purchasing the familiar blingy stickers that adorn winning bottles of wine.


I was chatting to a few friends during the week about visiting wineries in South Africa.


Most people would acknowledge that there are a large number of physical influences that can affect our perception of wine.


South African wine peeps don’t realise how good they’ve got it.

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