Wine Terms to Make You Sound Like a Pro

Show of hands . . . how many people swirl a glass of wine (in public) before they drink it and have no idea why the hell they do it?

Keep your hand raised

if you then proceed to smell said wine and still have no clue why.

Lastly, keep your hand raised

if you, purely for dramatic effect, swish the first sip of wine in your mouth and act like you are deeply pondering something profound about the wine.  Yet, you still have absolutely no idea why or what you are doing.

Well, my friend you are not alone.You couldn’t see it, but my hand pretty much stayed raisedthe entire time.Why?  Becuase I can totally relate.  I used to do the same things too.  I was faking it until I made it.  But the problem was I never make it.  Annnnnd I’m pretty sure, no one was picking up what I was putting down.Wine has always been an enigma to me.  Most of us have a basic understanding of alcohol through good and bad experiences (oooh, Tequila).  But wine is different.  

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