Why Trusting Wine Reviews From Minors Isn`t Smart

I’m fully aware of the need of scientists and researchers to confirm what appears obvious to most people. We do it to give objective confirmation to our well honed intuition and to understand the degree to which observable phenomena are being observed correctly. Still, I always get a bit of feeling of “I Told You So” when I see a result of a study that teaches us what I already know.

I’m talking about the claim that I and many others have made over and over and over: Wine is not the choice of underage drinkers.

A recent study conducted by the Boston University School of Public Health sought to determine what drinks minors most often consumed. Guess what they found.

“Of the top 25 consumed brands (by minors), 12 were spirits brands (including four vodkas), nine were beers, and four were flavored alcohol beverages.”

No wine in that top 25. Though I’ve not read the entire study to see all of the brands mentioned by minors, I’d be willing to bet that 750ml bottles of wine make up a teeny weenie (It’s an academic term) percentage of the products named as the having been consumed by minors in the study.

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