SBIG, the new SA censor board?

Twitter reports the Sauvignon Blanc Interest Group are complaining to the Sunday Times about a recent blog pointing out the negative correlation between their FNB Top Ten and the Veritas results. Oh dear, has SBIG now come to mean Sensor Blogs, Idees en Goed?


In the interests of renewable energy generation (hot air division), I’d like to share a couple of funny stories with Sauvignon Blanc producers. Last year I asked the SBIG secretary for help regarding the Concours de Sauvignon competition I was judging in Bordeaux. This year who judged the competition? The secretary! What a cuckoo.

This is the same secretary who asked me to judge the FNB Top Ten last year and then cancelled me at the last moment and asked me to not use this as a pretext to lambast him or the choice of wines. I may be distantly related to a monkey, but he ain’t my organ grinder. As he clearly thinks I am from the following curious correspondence.

Seems that the not so loyal secretary applied for the job of project manager for WOSA’s ill-fated Vindaba wine tourism project last year. WOSA sent me the following extract from the job application letter, for comment:

“Dit mag in sekere oorde vreemd gevind word dat ek vir Neil Pendock, ‘n joernalis wat bekend is vir sy kritiese houding teenoor WOSA, as referent aanbied. Dit is juis die feit dat, alhoewel Neil krities teenoor WOSA staan, ek dit oor ‘n lang tydperk reggekry het om sy vertroue in te boesem vir projekte waarby ek betrokke raak. Ek glo dat dit in die guns van hierdie projek sal kan tel om vir hom aan boord te hĂȘ, en positief te staan teenoor Vindaba 2012. Ja, dit is kontra-intuitiewe denke, maar ek aanvaar dat jy ook sal verstaan dat Neil se ondersteuning van die projek baie positief kan wees. Ek glo dat sy, en ook al die ander media met wie ek gereeld skakel, se ondersteuning hierdie projek ‘n groot hupstoot sal kan gee.”

Seems to me that it’s not only the ANC trying to control the SA press. Wonder what SBIG sponsor FNB will make of this. After all, it was not so long ago that the shoe (Manolo Blahnik, size 10) was on their foot.