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Energy boosting drinks that aren`t coffee

You may love the energy kick from coffee, but too much can be a bad thing. Try some of these greener, cleaner-burning ‘fuels’ that will wake you up, nourish your body, and keep you going longer.

Coffee is good for you in moderation. It contains antioxidants and gives a good energy boost, but too much coffee can have unpleasant side effects. Insomnia, depression, and anxiety have all been linked to too much caffeine, and the quantity of sugar that many people consume along with their coffee isn’t good either. The best thing is not to overdo it. There are plenty of other great energy boosters to get you going without taxing your body in the process. Here are some ideas.

1. Tea

White, green, and black teas all contain caffeine, but it’s a cleaner-burning, longer-lasting fuel when it comes to the energy buzz. You won’t crash as fast or hard, and you won’t get jittery. The tannin in black tea slows the absorption of caffeine and releases it in manageable increments. See Why You Should Drink More Tea.

2. Matcha Latte

When you drink matcha, you ingest the entire ground-up tea leaf, as opposed to steeped leaves, which means that you get a bigger nutritional punch per cup. Matcha has been linked to lower cancer rates. Whisk it into a latte for a coffee-like drink that’s warm and satisfying, but will energize you for longer.