5 Shocking ways wine is exactly like fashion

Let’s be honest, talking about the taste of wine is not only subjective and ridiculous but also, well, heinously boring. Call me a Millennial but I don’t have the attention span to even read through the back of the wine label, so it’s a miracle if you’re a Millennial that’s made it through this many words on a wine blog. Anyway, the point of this series of blog posts is to steal from a well-known medium we all encounter on a daily basis, FASHION. Before you think this is blog is even more elitist than before, just consider the way that the very clothes you put on your back provide you with a feeling and a stylistic personality that are much easier to describe than actually drinking the wine. The frankly the whole flavor, “mouthfeel” thing is just a little overdone, and more than a little bit awkward. Here are a few of the parallels that link fashion to wine in ways you never imagined:

1. They’re both often selected based on the context in which they will be used. 

For example, a bikini is meant to be worn at the beach or pool. A flirty dress is can to be worn on a date night. You get the idea. Now, the same process also applies to wine. If you’re going to the beach, you might bring a bottle of refreshing sauvignon blanc to cool you down. If you’re going on a date, you might order a sultry glass of merlot to get in the mood. So determining which bottle of wine to buy starts with understanding where & how it will be consumed.

2. They both provide a tactile feeling.

You can feel the weight of a heavy wool sweater the same way you can feel the weight of a full-bodied cabernet. You can feel the texture of a smooth silk the same way you can feel the texture of a buttery chardonnay. These tactile, experiential elements are some of the hardest things to articulate about wine. Don’t be shy about stealing from the familiar vocabulary of clothing in order to express yourself.

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