5 Unexpected benefits of beer that give you good reasons to drink it

A cold lager is refreshing on a summer afternoon, while a hearty porter or stout will warm you up faster than cuddling by a fire on winter’s coldest nights. But beer, a crowd pleaser for all tastes and all seasons, also brings unexpected benefits.

Here are 5 nutritious reasons to raise a glass or bottle to your good health:

1. Portion control

Beer is conveniently packaged in a portion-control bottle. It’s easy to limit it to one—or at least keep track of how many you’ve had.

2. It’s rich in B vitamins

Beer is full of B vitamins from the yeast. Unfiltered beer is especially high in B3, B6 and folic acid (B9). B3 aids in cell repair and B6 eases PMS. Folic acid aids in colon cancer prevention.

3. It’s high in fiber

Beer contains fiber, which acts as a natural laxative. It also slows the rate at which food leaves your stomach, which means it suppresses appetite. So indulge in a beer, and know you’re preventing overeating.

4. Stress reduction

A beer a day keeps stress and heart attacks away. Moderate alcohol consumption can reduce stress and anxiety, known contributors of heart disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, alcohol reduces risk of dying of a heart attack and possibly reduces risk of strokes. “Moderate” is defined as up to 12 ounces per day for women and 24 ounces per day for men. Drink to that.

5. Beer drinkers are at lower risk of type-2 diabetes

Multiple studies have shown that beer drinkers had an approximately 30 percent lower risk of type-2 diabetes than test subjects who abstained.

Plenty of reason to stock up at your nearest Ultra Liquors!

Click here for more beer benefits.