Helpful tips for lightweight drinkers

“Bad” drinkers spoil the party for friends and the people that have to clean up after them. This is how you know you’re a bad drinker – plus tips on how to avoid messy situations.

We can kid ourselves all we want, but if you’re someone who drinks, you’ll know if you’re a good drinker or not. And if you genuinely can’t say with any certainty if you’re a good drinker because the last thing you remember is taking maybe two shots at the bar before waking up in your bathroom, chances are you’re a bad drinker. No one likes to be embarrassed at a bar or club (even if you can’t remember being an embarrassing mess afterwards), so here are some tips on being a safe drinker.

Prep ahead of time

If you’re planning to have a couple of drinks, inform someone. Tell your best friend or even a sibling that you’ll be out and about, so that they can check up on you after a few hours are up. Give them the contact of a friend in case you aren’t able to pick up your phone, and ensure that you have enough emergency cash on you to hitch a cab home. Oh, and make sure your phone is fully charged; the last thing you need is to be locked out of your house or on the street drunk without a phone.

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