How to get rid of those red wine lips

A common problem amongst red wine drinkers, apart from stained teeth is probably stained lips. No matter who much lip-ice or lips gloss you put on before the time, you always end up with red wine stains on your lips after a glass or two. So what can you do that will make this dark wine-was-here mark disappear?

Bleach it

Think whitening gums, whitening pens and whitening toothpaste. It might not disappear completely,  but they’ll lighten the stains enough so that enjoy the rest of your night without worrying about them.

Lemon and Lime

Both lime and lemon wedges work like magic. Don’t forget to greet those who enjoy ciders at a party. They might just come in handy later.

From Red to White

Some say that you should substitute your next glass of red wine with white wine, swish it around in your mouth like mouth wash and voilà.  Personally, I think that this will just make you drunk and you will forget that something like stained lips exist.

Wine Wipes

Wine Wipes consist out of stain-removing and teeth protecting ingredients. It cleans red wine off teeth and neutralizes the palate with just one wipe. You can order them here, but hey, don’t waste you money now. Daily facials cleansing cloths or wet-wipes might also work.

Back to basics

Listen to your mom! Brush your teeth and gently brush your lips before you go to bed.