Making The Perfect Cup Of Coffee To Start Your Day

When you feel that you need some relaxing moments after completing tedious tasks, a cup of coffee often works wonders. But why instant? Well, it can give you the boost of energy you need without spending too much time making a cup of coffee.

For a busy person, instant coffee is quite ideal. Coffee is easy to prepare. You do not need other appliances to prepare a cup. And it is easy to make one when you need it because it will only take a few minutes before you can sit back and take a sip of your favorite cup.

While you can make endless cups of instant coffee, it is still possible to have the best instant coffee you can ever have at home by following the formula suggested by instant coffee connoisseurs. Here’s how.  

Preparing the best instant coffee

You do not anything else to make the instant coffee that you’ll love forever. You will use the same ingredients you use regularly, with some careful considerations.


This has something to do with how you boil the freshly drawn water. It would be great if the water in your area is soft, but since you do not control it, you can filter hard water to remove some minerals. Fill the kettle with just enough water for your needs. The secret to better tasting instant coffee is to not let the water reach boiling point.

Proper measurement

Your measuring spoon will hold a different amount of solids according to the type of ingredient. For example, you will get more flour because it is a powder, while a teaspoon of sugar will not have the same amount because it comes in granules.

If the manufacturer of instant coffee suggests you use a teaspoon, try a level teaspoon, a rounded teaspoon, or a heaping teaspoon until you find the level that makes your instant coffee perfect to your taste. Ensure that you are using the same teaspoon every time.

Your coffee cup

Mugs and cups come in various sizes and shapes and each one holds a different amount of liquid. Similar to how you test the amount of instant coffee to add to your brew using one measuring spoon, do the same for your cup. You know the right amount of instant coffee to use and the right amount of water to add once you have found the right cup or mug. Thus, you will have the best tasting instant coffee any time. 


Find an ideal container for your instant coffee. You can buy a dedication coffee jar. Use it directly from its container, or refill one of the instant coffee jars you have that fit your larder perfectly. Include the right measuring spoon in the jar, so your coffee will the best instant coffee there is each time you need a coffee break.

While the best-tasting instant coffee is a matter of personal preference, you can have one that will ensure you have the right balance of coffee and water that will make each steaming cup of coffee taste better.