This Beer was brewed using tweets

Social media is great. Where else can you argue with an egg named @nazz91 about the new Beyoncé video or find out what your hot new coworker ate for tea last night (“Delish ramen bowl #fresh #veggies #japenesfood,” if you were wondering.)

And now, it seems the great virtual connectivity tool has yet another way to improve our lives—this time with booze. A British marketing company has just created a craft beer using data collected from thousands of social media posts. We may have reached peak Millennial.

Havas Helia, a company that uses “data, technology, intuition, and creativity to connect people to brands in a meaningful way” (me neither) set out to create a beer that would capture the spirit of New Year. Analysing thousands of Tweets and Facebook posts for “emotional keywords” at the end of 2015, they compared these to a set of predefined emotional states.

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