What is at the top of many New Year’s resolutions? For many it’s weight loss and/or abstaining from alcohol.


Celebrities sure love their booze… or do they?


If you thought caffeine-laden energy drinks were just for basketball players, monster truck drivers, and video gamers, you’d be forgiven. Judging by commercials, they seem like the primary consumers.


Chocolate and peanut butter are the perfect combinations of both savory and sweet. While the coco gives you that delicious chocolate flavor, the peanut butter brings in the extra bit of nuttiness, making it a great blend for all different types of recipes. 


Healthy eating habits are pivotal in maintaining a solid and resilient cardiovascular system. Embracing a natural diet rich in wholesome foods and choosing a heart-healthy oil support heart health and foster overall well-being. In this article, you will explore how a natural diet can contribute to the harmony of your heart health.


You know, when you wander into the wild world of unusual mushrooms in your culinary adventures, it’s a bit like stepping into a dense forest – thrilling and slightly enigmatic. The variety is stunning, with shapes and shades that could outdo an artist’s palette.


Navigating today’s rapidly evolving casino landscape can be challenging. With the rise of online casinos, you may be wondering: how do these platforms stack up against America’s casinos? 


“What do you feel like eating tonight?” This could be a very straightforward question for some, while some individuals might actually find it super confusing. However, when you have some of the finest food applications already available on your smartphone, you don’t have to waste your time thinking about what to order and from which restaurant.


Drown yourself in these beautifully boozy tips from ‘Drinks: A User’s Guide’.

We live in a golden age of booze: Our pint glasses overflow with tasty craft beer while the quality and variety of wine improves with each passing year, and precision-made cocktails sparkle like a string of jewels across the lounges of the land. 

These are glorious days to be a drinker — but tricky ones to navigate. Who really knows what all that stuff is and how to enjoy it? As you can learn from reading my book, Drinks: A User’s Guide, it’s easy and fun to get up to speed on the essentials of wine, beer and spirits.

To start you down the right path, here are 13 everyday rules to help you drink like a boss.


The art of hospitality has evolved, and homeowners today are embracing the idea of creating their beverage centers at home.